In House Training Pemahaman FSC Chain of Custody PT Kutai Timber Indonesia

[:id]Mutu Institute bekerjasama dengan PT. Kutai Timber Indonesia menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Pemahaman FSC Chain of Custody, pada tanggal 12 – 13 Oktober 2017 di Mojokerto. Pelatihan dihadiri 28 peserta.

Tujuan diadakannya pelatihan adalah memberikan penjelasan dan pemahaman tentang Standar FSC Chain Of Custody yang terbaru.

Selain itu, materi pelatihan juga mencakup, perkembangan FSC di Indonesia dan dunia. Pemahaman FSC-STD-40-004 (V3-0) EN dan perubahannya dari versi sebelumnya, Penggunaan merk dagang FSC on/off produk sesuai standar FSC-STD-50-001 (V1-2) EN dan Penjelasan secara umum mengenai FSC Controlled Wood (FSC-STD-40-005 (V3-1) EN) & FSC reclaimed (FSC-STD-40-007 (V2-0)EN).

Pelatihan yang diikuti dengan antusias ini, menjadi salah satu pelatihan yang dinilai penting oleh  PT. Kutai Timber Indonesia. Instruktur pelatihan ini adalah Hermudananto selaku Lead Auditor COC.

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Mutu Institute & Marketing Communication

Training fsc mojokerto[:en]In-House Training: the Understanding of FSC Chain Custody at PT Kutai Timber Indonesia

Mutu Institute in co-operation with PT Kutai Timber Indonesia held a training on the understandings on FSC’s (Forest Stewardship Council) Chain Custody on the 12 and 13th. of October in the city of Mojokerto which was attended by 28 participants. The aim of the training is to have the understandings of the newest issue of the FSC’s Chain of Custody.

The material subject of training also explains the developments of FSC in Indonesia and the World. Understanding the FSC-STD-40-004 (V3-0) EN and its alterations from its previous version. The usages of FSC’s on-of trade mark in accordance to the FSC-STD-50-001 (V1-2) EN and general descriptions regarding the FSC controlled Wood (FSC-STD-40-005 (V3-1) EN) & FSC reclaimed (FSC-STD-40-007 (V2-0)EN).

This training was enthusiastically attended by PT Kutai Timber Indonesia’s employees and regarded as one of the valued training in the Company. Training instructor conducted by Mr. Hermudananto, COC’s Lead Auditor.

Mutu Institute & Marketing Communication

