PT Mutuagung Lestari Tbk is committed to anti-bribery in performing its services in both certification, inspection and testing and controlling the risk of bribery. Any fraud, fraud, dishonesty, theft / embezzlement, violation in the procurement process of goods and services, abuse of position / authority, bribery / gratification occurring in PT Mutuagung Lestari Tbk or related to PT Mutuagung Lestari Tbk will be promptly investigated, reported.
PT. Mutuagung Lestari Tbk analyzes the report and follows up on the violation report based on the evidence provided and protects the Reporting Party. The Reporting Party shall provide information at least as follows:
This reporting is conducted with the support of relevant data and is intended for the benefit of the Company, not intended to impose a person. Reporting may be submitted to the Head of the subdivision of Risk Management or the highest management of PT Mutuagung Lestari Tbk, through:
Reporters should provide their identity in reporting complaints and ensure that any information about the identity of the reporting party and its reports is kept confidential. Reporting through Whistle Blowing System (Whistle Blowing System) is done under anonymous, confidential and independent principles.
MUTU International (MUTU) is committed to anti-bribery in providing all its services, including certification, inspection and testing and controlling the risk of bribery. In an effort to monitor the effectiveness of the anti-bribery management system implemented, MUTU provides reporting services that are managed independently and professionally. The MUTU Whistleblower System is directly connected to the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function Team which is directed directly by the Board of Directors.
Violation reports can be submitted in Indonesian or English, through the channels provided, namely
Each report will be responded to and further investigated by the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function through procedures that protect the rights of the reporter. MUTU guarantees protection and confidentiality for every complainant/disclosure reporter. Reporting through the Whistle Blowing System is carried out on the principle of anonymity, confidentiality and independence.
Whistleblowers should provide their identity when reporting complaints and ensure that any information regarding the identity of the reporter and the report is kept confidential. Reporting through the Whistle Blowing System is carried out on the principle of anonymity, confidentiality and independence.
Pelapor akan dilayani tanpa harus menyampaikan identitasnya. | |
Surat elektronik | [email protected] |
Alamat email pelapor tidak akan diberikan ke Bagian Kode Etik/HRD MUTU tanpa sepengetahuan pelapor. Surat |
Surat | Fungsi Kepatuhan Anti Penyuapan |
Jl. Raya Bogor KM 33,5 No 19 Cimanggis depok 16953 | |
Formulir pelaporan dapat diunduh di http://mutucertification., dan disampaikan dengan informasi lengkap. | |
Layanan pesan singkat (SMS) | |
Para pemangku kepentingan dapat menggunakan saluran pelaporan tersebut di atas setiap saat menemukan perilaku yang tercela atau pelanggaran terhadap Kode Etik dan Perilaku. |