Educational Organization Management System (ISO 21001:2018)

ISO 21001 is a management system for educational organizations intended to help education providers better meet the needs and expectations of students, and increase the credibility of the organization.


This standard is a special management system standard for educational organizations that use curriculum to support teaching and learning activities or research regardless of type, size and delivery method with the main focus of providing satisfaction and meeting the needs of students and other parties.


The main objective of the ISO 21001: 2018 Standard is to evaluate whether educational institutions have met the needs of students and other beneficiaries of educational services


Supported by professional auditors, MUTU International is committed to providing educational organization management system certification services based on ISO 21001 standards in a precise, accurate, independent, reliable and professional manner.


The advantages of implementing ISO 21001 include:

  1. Align institutional activities with institutional policies, mission and vision,
  2. Increasing social responsibility by providing inclusive and fair quality education for all students,
  3. As an appropriate evaluation process and tool to increase effectiveness and efficiency,
  4. Increasing the credibility of educational institutions,
  5. Continuous improvement through continuous monitoring to improve the learning process.

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