Anti Bribery Commitment
PT Mutuagung Lestari is committed to anti-bribery in carrying out every service both certification, inspection and testing and controlling the risk of bribery.
Any incidents of fraud, fraud, dishonestyc, theft / embezzlement, violations in the process of procuring goods and services, abuse of position / authority, bribery / gratuities that occur at PT. Mutuagung Lestari or those related to PT. Mutuagung Lestari will be immediately investigated, reported. PT. Mutuagung Lestari analyzes the report and follows up on the violation report based on the evidence provided and protects the Informer. The reporter must provide at least the following information: Type of violation, Time of violation, such as date, day and time. The parties involved in the violation. Other evidence that confirms that the violation occurred, such as transaction documents in the form of visual, audio or paper recordings, or Informing that there were other witnesses who were involved in witnessing the incident but were not involved in the violation. This reporting is carried out with the support of relevant data and is intended for the benefit of the Company, not aimed at bringing someone down. Reports can be submitted to the Head of the Risk Management subdivision or the highest leadership of PT Mutuagung Lestari, through: Email: [email protected] Telephone: (62-21) 87400202 extension 149 Fax: (62—21) 87740745 Website: Mailbox: Jl. Raya Bogor KM 33,5 No 19 Cimanggis Depok 16953 Reporters should provide their identity in reporting complaints and ensure that any information regarding the identity of the reporter and his report is kept confidential. Reporting through the Whistle Blowing System is carried out on an anonymous, confidential and independent basis. Related document :