Green Industry

The development of the industrial sector in Indonesia, which has been running for around 50 (fifty) years, apart from having a positive impact on the country, also has a negative impact on environmental problems, especially environmental pollution caused by industrial waste and inefficient use of natural resources, so that the concept of development has developed. sustainable, one of which is the green industry.


In Law No. 3 of 2014 concerning Industry, the National Industrial Policy and the National Industrial Development Master Plan, it is stated that green industry is an industry which in its production process prioritizes efforts for efficiency and effectiveness in sustainable use of resources so that it is able to align industrial development with the preservation of environmental functions and can provide benefits to society “, so that industry is currently directed towards the concept of green industry.


The concept of green industry is not only related to environmentally friendly industrial development but also related to industrial systems that are integrated, holistic and efficient. This conceptual thinking has given rise to various studies, including in manufacturing, so that the term sustainable manufacturing system is known. Sustainable manufacturing: “creation of manufactured products that are pollution-free, save energy and natural resources, are economical and safe for employees, society and customers



  1. Fulfill the obligations of the Government as stated in Law no. 3 of 2014
  2. Manage activities that can preserve environmental functions and provide benefits to the community
  3. Production process efficiency
  4. Improve company reputation