Sustainable Plantation Forest Certification LEI Scheme

  1. Sustainable Plantation Forest Management (PHTL)

The development of Sustainable Plantation Forest Management (PHTL) in Indonesia currently has become a demand for plantation forest management unit to obtain the International market recognition to the forest products environmentally friendly. The demand of International market required that the forest products must be from the sustainable forest management. In general, the sustainable forest management aspect is divided into three preservation aspects namely production, environment and social. The fulfillment of the three aspects becomes the requirements for the management unit that the forest management shall be carried out sustainably.


PHTL certification activity in a forest management unit is voluntary i.e. the management unit submits the application to the independent third party or Certification Body for assessment of the application for plantation forest management according to the sustainable plantation forest management system and standard in this case PHTL system and standard of Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia (LEI).


  1. Sustainable Community Based Forest Management (PHBML)

Pengelolaan Hutan Berbasis Masyarakat Lestari (PHBML) is construed as all forms of forest management and forest produce carried out by the community by using the traditional procedures whether in form of community unit, community based business unit (cooperatives in the broadest sense of word), or small until medium scale individual carried sustainably.


This PHBML certification system has separate characteristic since the certification object in general constitutes individual or community group with the forest undertaking management pattern based on the indigenous wisdom. However, community forest management system are highly homogenous viewed from the land/ forest management orientation, area determination and soil/ land control status. It has consequence that the object of PHBML certification has many types of typology. The various types of typology cause the certification system applied different depending on typology of people forest management unit being the object of certification.


For the community forest management, the certification has function to open the access to market for the people community product, able to provide relatively higher selling price in farmer level for the certified products of community forest, and open the access to people forest expansion in the interest of land rehabilitation simultaneously improvement of community’s economic.


Benefits of Having Sustainable Plantation Forest Certification LEI Scheme

  1. Wider market for sale of certified products.
  2. To secure the market access to countries already stipulating the regulation on procurement of wood product only from the certified sources.
  3. For industry, to increase the image for the buyers for producing the products of which the raw material sourced from sustainably managed forest sustainability