Sustainable Production Forest Management – PHPL

In the recent global climate change level, Indonesia is still considered as the country having contribution to emission gas. This assumption emerges since there are still many forest destructions occur, especially due to illegal logging. At the same time, the demand of the International market for environmental sustainable wood product certification environment keeps on increasing. It causes the consumers demand to the wood product business actors in order to be able to provide more attention to the environmental issue by the more responsible business management in the implementation of sustainable forest management. As the form of sustainable forest management commitment, the Indonesian government together with the stakeholders prepare PHPL standard formulation.

PHPL is the activity ensuring that the forest produces produced is legal and to provide guarantee to the forest preservation whether in production, ecology and social. Mutu Certification International has opened the forest management certification service that already accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and determined by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry as the Assessment Body of Sustainable Production Forest Management (LP-PHPL).

In its implementation, the scheme of PHPL certification refers to the guideline and standard determined by the government.

Benefit of PHPL Certification

  1. To manage forest sustainably by fulfilling management standards based on legality, production, ecology and social aspects.
  2. To minimize forest damage degree, especially caused by illegal logging activity.
  3. To fulfill (mandatory) obligation of the government according to the prevailing regulation.

Certification costs consist of :
1. Application
2. Phase 1
3. Public Announcements
4. Phase 2
5. Verification Report Preparation
6. Decision-making
7. issuance of Certificates 

Certification fee rates can differ between organizations , so that if a potential client wants to obtain certification fee rates per group of activities can contact Marketing PT . Mutuagung Lestari .