
  1. PT. Mutuagung Lestari established in 2 March 1990 was named Kiyani Mutu Lestari had office on Jl. Menteng Raya no 72, Central Jakarta and gave certification service for wood product.

  2. Was involved in processing regulation for Indonesia Plywood Standard, as wood company standard for export to Japan Was appointed by American buyer named Georgia Pacific (GP), as representative for implementing inspection of Plywood GP quality for exporting to America.
    Began co-operating with JPIC to certificate JAS company with a condition that company has already gotten IPS.

  3. The office moved to Wijaya Grand Center. MAL got certification ISO 9003:1994

  4. MAL was trusted becoming Foreign Testing Organization by JPIC and Opening the first laboratory branch in Samarinda.

  5. Appointed as Foreign Testing Company Organization from MAFF Japan.

  6. Moved to Cilandak KKO. Accredited ISO 9001 from KAN.

  7. Got accreditation for The first testing laboratory in Indonesia, calibration laboratory and testing laboratory in Samarinda.

  8. Moved to Cimanggis location especially Inspection and Laboratory Division.

  9. Developing other service from UKAS.

  10. New JAS law, opening opportunity became certification company (RFCO.

  11. Got accreditation as Personal LS from KAN.

  12. Otono-san joined as adviser for JAS scheme.

  13. Received an acknowledgment as RFCO by MAFF Japan Accreditation as LS product from KAN.

  14. Accredited as SML certification company Showing Water-quality and wastewater testing laboratory by West Java Governor, Laboratory worked with Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kota Depok.

  15. Received LS Ecolabel accreditation, the first ecolabel in Indonesia.

  16. Received LS HACCP accreditation (LSSHACCP 001 IDN). Co-operating with Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia for forest scheme.

  17. Received LS Organic accreditation from KAN. LS Variety Guarantee From The Ministry of Agriculture. Accreditation from CARB USA. Testing Laboratory Acknowledgement from Road Voor Accreditae. Appointed as NRCP Laboratory from Dirjen Perikanan Budidaya.

  18. Cooperating PSAT Laboratory with Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian.

  19. LVLK Accreditation from KAN. PHPL Accreditation from KAN
    Branch opening in Cina Xuzhou Mutu EPTS Co. Ltd China.

  20. LS Food Safety Management Accreditationfrom KAN. Environmental Laboratory from The Ministry of Environment. Samarinda Laboratory from KAN. Acknowledgement from RSPO. Official opening for new office at Xuzhou Mutu EPTS Co.Ltd.

  21. Acknowledgement from ISPO Commitee.

  22. ISO 9001 Reacreditation, SVLK from KAN, JAS Reacreditation from MAFF, RSPO auditory process from ASI and Penyerahan perdana ISPO certificate.

  23. RSPO Accreditation from ASI, Acknowledgement Tourism Bussiness LS, Branch opening in Malaysia, Opening Pangkalan Bun Laboratory and Pekanbaru.Sosialization for New JAS Standard in China and Yogyakarta, Sosialization forThe newest VLK regulation.

  24. Accreditation of LKV GRK from KAN, Accreditation 9001: 2015, Accreditation 14001: 2015, Recognition as ISCC LS ISCC, Appointment as LVV JCM from JCM.

  25. Lab Accreditation New week and acknowledgment as environmental lab from KLHK, Pangkalan Bun Lab Accreditation and recognition as environment lab from KLHK, ISO 17020 accreditation (surveyor), Appointment of K3 audit institution by Ministry of RI RI, LS Green Industry by Ministry of Industry RI, Institute of Ecolabel Verification Ministry of LHK RI, Reakreditas Lab Calibration, obtained FLEG License from Ministry of KLHK, recognition as Institute of Oil and Gas Technical Inspection.

  26. Recognition as TPC from US EPA.