[:id]Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman melakukan tanam perdana benih jagung hibrida di Desa Tetewatu, Kecamatan Wiwirano, Kabupaten Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara, Kamis (12/1/2017). Selain Mentan Amran, penanaman perdana jagung ini juga dihadiri Sekda Sulawesi Tenggara Lukman Abunawas, Bupati Konawe Utara Ruksamin, Pangdam VII Wirabuana, Mayjend TNI Agus Surya Bakti dan anggota DPR RI Lao Ode Ida.

Mentan  bergerilya langsung ke sejumlah daerah demi mendongkrak produksi jagung agar impor jagung bisa ditutup total.

“Jadi kalau sudah ada tambahan produksi jagung, kita bisa kurangi impor. Impor jagung kita tahun ini turun kurang lebih 3 juta ton, itu nilainya Rp 7 triliun-Rp 8 triliun, padahal baru sekali gerak,” ujar Mentan Amran.

Mentan Amran mengapresiasi Program Penanaman Jagung di lahan 10 ribu hektar yang digagas Pemerintah Kabupaten Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara sebagai implementasi dari program Sulawesi Tenggara Mandiri Pangan.

“Konawe Utara, khusus jagung harus dikembangkan karena masih ada impor kita 800 ribu ton. Dulu tahun 2016 rencana impor jagung 4 juta ton, impor turun 66 persen. Jagung ini menjanjikan untuk rakyat karena setiap rakyat tanam jagung tidak ada kata rugi,” ujar Mentan Amran.

Penanaman ini diharapkan mampu menambah pasokan kebutuhan jagung nasional dan menekan impor jagung. Produksi jagung pada 2015 mencapai 19,83 juta ton atau naik 4,34% dari tahun 2014. Di tahun 2016, Kementan menargetkan produksi jagung sebesar 21,53 juta ton.

“Produksi jagung 2016 lebih dari cukup memenuhi kebutuhan industri pakan. Kebutuhan industri terdata sebanyak 750 ton per bulan dan total kebutuhan jagung nasional 1,55 juta ton per bulan,” jelas Mentan Amran.

Sementara produksi minimal jagung pada 2016 yang dalam kondisi La Nina ditargetkan 21,53 juta ton. Produksi jagung 2016 diprediksi akan surplus 1,3 juta ton.

Menanggapi rencana pembangunan pabrik tepung jagung di daerah ini, Mentan Amran menyambut optimis dan akan mengundang investor berinvestasi di daerah ini.

“Akan saya undang penanam modal. Mereka itu akan masuk dengan sendirinya jika ini sudah berhasil. Persoalannya sekarang investor itu mau kepastian, kalau tidak ada jagung yang mau digiling, apa yang mau digiling? Dia akan rugi,” ungkap Mentan Amran.

Penanaman perdana jagung ini bagian dari kunjungan kerja Mentan ke Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Tercatat sudah sepekan ini Mentan Amran melakukan blusukan di wilayah Sulawesi demi jagung. Sebelum penanaman, Mentan melakukan kunjungan ke Balai Perbibitan dan Pakan Ternak di desa Wawolemo, Kecamatan Pondidaha, Sultra.

Mengenakan setelan kemeja putih seperti kebiasaannya, Mentan Amran datang ke lokasi penanaman pada pukul 13.30 WITA setelah menempuh perjalanan darat sekitar 5 jam dari Kota Kendari.

“Mari kerja, kerja dan kerja, saya mendukung dari pusat, karena saya ini orang Konawe Utara, saya tidur di sini, saya kerja di sini tahunan,” pungkas Mentan Amran.

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Marketing Communication
PT, MUTUAGUNG LESTARI[:en]Minister of Agriculture: Andi Amran Sulaiman planted the first hybrid corn plant seedling in the village of Tetewatu, Wiirano area, Distict of Konawe, Province of South East Sulawesi on Wednesday, Jan.12th. Beside the Minister, the planting was also done by the Secretary of Province: Lukman Abunawas, The Bupati of North Konawe: Ruksamin, Local Military Commander: Major Gen. Agus Surya Bakti and member of the Indonesian Legislative Body: Mr. Lao Ode Ida.

The Minister pioneered directly by going to remote areas to boost the planting of corn and its production so imports of this commodity can be totally ended. “So, if there are additional products we will be reducing import this year by 3 million tons with the price amount of 7 to 8 billion rupiahs, that is in one action alone.” Said the Minister. He appreciated the Program on planting corn in 10,000 hectares of lands suggested by the local government of Konawe District as the implementation and program of food self-sufficiently in South East Sulawesi Province.

“In North Konawe, especially corn plants should be developed as imports of 800,000 tons still exist. In 2016 we planned to import corn by 4 million tons, which has declined by 66%. The commodity of corn is promising for the people for as if every farmer planted it, there is nothing to lose.” The Minister said. Planting is hoped to add supply of the national corn needs and suppress its imports. In 2015 production reached 19.83 tons or increased by 4.34% from 2014. In 2016 the Ministry targeted production by 2016 of 21.53 million tons.

“The 2016 corn production is more than sufficient to supply the lot-feed industry, which is 750 tons/month. Production is predicted to be 1.55 million ton/month.” Explained the Ministry. Meanwhile minimum corn production in the La Nina conditions was targeted 21.53 million tons. There will be a surplus of 1.3 million tons in 2016 production.

In reply to plans of constructing a corn powder plant in this area, the Minister’s opinion was very positive and intended to invite investors to the area. “I will invite investors, they will automatically come if there are works to make corn powder, if not, they will lose money.” Said the Minister

The first planting of corn is part of the Minister’s work visit to the Province of South East Sulawesi. It has been one week for the Minister to go to this remote area of Sulawesi for the sake of corn planting. Before this he visited the House of seedlings and feedlot mill in the village of Wawolemo in the Pondihara area of South East Sulawesi. He wore his usual white shirt, arrived at 1:30 p.m. local time at the location which is a 5 hours’ car drive from Kendari, the capital of South East Sulawesi.

“Let’s work and work and work because I, myself support the programs, I was originated from this region, I lived and worked many years here.” Stressed the Minister.

Marketing Communication
