[:id]Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan (BPDP) Kelapa Sawit mengklaim, selama 2016, Indonesia menjadi negara dengan total ekspor palm oil atau minyak sawit terbesar di dunia atau disebut global market leader.

Direktur Utama BPDP Sawit, Bayu Khrisnamurthi menjelaskan, pada 2016, volume ekspor minyak sawit mentah atau crude palm oil (CPO), palm kernel oil (PKO), dan turunannya mencapai 25,7 juta ton. Jumlah ini mengalami penurunan sekitar 2 % dibanding 2015 yang mencapai 26,2 juta ton.

“Namun demikian, nilai ekspor sawit 2016 mencapai US$ 17,8 miliar atau sekitar Rp 240 triliun, naik 8% dibandingkan 2015 yang mencapai US$ 16,5 miliar atau sekitar Rp 220 triliun,” ungkap Bayu Krisnamurthi di Kantornya, Jakarta, Selasa (10/1/2017).

Bayu mengatakan, kenaikan nilai ekspor tersebut disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga CPO global sebanyak 41,4% selama tahun 2016. Selain itu, terjadinya hilirisasi produk espor sawit Indonesia yang bernilai tambah lebih tinggi.

“Misalnya produk minyak goreng (RBD palm oil) dalam kemasan dan merek Indonesia, RBD palm kernel olein, dan RBD palm kernel stearin volume ekspornya naik 22%” kata Bayu.

“Selama tahun 2016 ekspor produk hilir sawit telah mencapai 75,6% dari total ekspor sawit Indonesia,” tuturnya.

Selain itu, kata Bayu, capaian kenaikan harga CPO dunia itu memberikan dampak positif terhadap kenaikan harga yang diterima petani. Harga tanda buah segar petani pada Juni 2015 sebesar Rp 845 per kilogram, Januari 2016 Rp 1.113 per kilogram, dan Desember 2016 Rp 1.849 per kilogram atau naik 66 persen sepanjang 2016.

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Marketing Communication
PT.MUTUAGUNG LESTARI[:en]Plantation Fund Management Board (BPDP) Oil Palm claimed, during 2016, Indonesia is the country with total exports of palm oil or palm oil world, or so-called global market leader.

Director of BPDP Oil, Bayu Khrisnamurthi explained, in 2016, the export volume of crude palm oil or crude palm oil (CPO), palm kernel oil (PKO), and its derivatives reached 25.7 million tons. This number has decreased by about 2% compared to 2015 and reached 26.2 million tons.

“However, the value of oil exports in 2016 reached $ 17.8 billion, or around Rp 240 trillion, up 8% compared to 2015 to reach US $ 16.5 billion, or around Rp 220 trillion,” said Krisnamurthi at his office in Jakarta on Tuesday (10/01/2017).

Bayu said the increase in export values was caused by the increase in global CPO prices as much as 41.4% over 2016. In addition, the downstream products of Indonesia’s palm espor higher value added.

“For example, cooking oil products (RBD palm oil) in the packaging and brand Indonesia, RBD palm kernel olein and RBD palm kernel stearin export volume rose by 22%” said Bayu.

“During 2016, exports of downstream oil products has reached 75.6% of total exports of Indonesian palm oil,” he said.

In addition, said Bayu, the achievements of world CPO price increase was a positive impact on the increase in prices received by farmers. Price signs of fresh fruit farmer in June 2015 amounting to Rp 845 per kilogram, in January 2016 to Rp 1,113 per kilogram, and in December 2016 to Rp 1,849 per kilogram, up 66 percent over 2016.

Marketing Communication