Punya Dua Pabrik Baru, Provident Argo Tingkatkan Produksi CPO

[:id]Sebagai salah satu klien loyal PT. Mutuagung Lestari untuk Sertifikasi Sawit Berkelanjutan dan juga pengujian, PT Provident Agro Tbk, sebagai perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit nasional terus melakukan ekspansi dalam mengembangkan sektor bisnisnya, saat ini telah selesai membangun dua pabrik kelapa sawit (PKS) di Sumatera Selatan dan Kalimantan Barat.

kebun provident

Presiden Direktur Provident Agro Tri Boewono mengatakan peningkatan produksi didorong oleh penambahan luas kebun produksi. “Dua pabrik kelapa sawit baru juga telah beroperasi pada Agustus dan Desember 2015,” katanya usai Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) Tahunan di Jakarta, Selasa, 21 Juni 2016.

“Alasan membangun pabrik pada wilayah tersebut bentuk efisiensi. Karena memang harus dekat dengan perkebunan kelapa sawit,” ujar Tri

Tri mengatakan kedua pabrik kelapa sawit tersebut selesai lebih cepat dari target sehingga mendukung pencapaian produksi CPO yang lebih tinggi. Pabrik masing-masing berkapasitas 45 ton tandan buah segar (TBS) per jam. Saat ini perseroan memiliki lima pabrik.

Tri mengatakan akan terus mengoptimalkan produktivitas kebun-kebun yang dikelola perusahaan dan plasma. “Dengan fluktuasi harga CPO yang masih berlangsung, peningkatan produksi sawit dan CPO menjadi salah satu strategi perusahaan dalam menghadapi tantangan bisnis saat ini.”  Selain meningkatkan produktivitas, Tri menilai efisiensi merupakan langkah tepat untuk meraih target yang optimal.

Sumber :
Marketing Communication
PT. MUTUAGUNG LESTARI[:en]As one of loyal Mutuagung’s client for certification of palm oil sustainability and its testing’s. PT Provident Agro, Tbk as a national palm oil plantation company, continuously performs expansions in their business expansion and presently finished in constructing two of their palm oil mills (PKS) in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan.

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The President Director of the Company, Tri Boewono said that the increasement of production is due to the fact that additional production areas were ready. “Two palm oil mills also have been in operation in August and September last year.” He said after the Annual Board of Share Holders (RUPS) meeting in Jakarta, Tuesday June 21, 2015.

“Reasons of constructing the mills in those areas are a form of efficiency. As they have to be close to the palm oil plantations.” Said Tri.

Tri also said that the two palm oil mills were earlier in target of their finished construction so as to support goals in higher CPO production. Each mill with capacity of 45 tons fresh bunches of palm fruits (TBS) per hour. Presently the company own 5 mills.

He will optimize plantations managed by the company and also plasma plantations.” With the fluctuations of CPO prices still going on, the increase of palm oil and CPO productions has become the company’s strategic policy to face the business challenges today.” Other than increasing productivity, Tri valued that efficiency became the right step to reach optimum target.

Sources: :
Marketing Communication

