21 Jun Kayu Indonesia Raih Lisensi FLEGT Pertama di Dunia dari Uni Eropa
[:id]Pemberlakukan Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) secara mandatory atau wajib untuk semua produk berbahan kayu dinilai melapangkan akses ekspor produk furnitur Indonesia, terutama Eropa.
Pemberlakuan SVLK itu selanjutnya menghilangkan kewajiban uji tuntas (due diligence) yang menjadi beban biaya bagi eksportir yang selama ini dialami oleh produk olahan kayu Indonesia yang diekspor ke Uni Eropa.
Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi memastikan, tiga bulan lagi, produk furnitur berlabel Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) bakal diakui pasar Uni Eropa untuk masuk sebagai produk jalur hijau. “Ada Aset baru yang dapat memperkuat ekonomi Indonesia di pasar global”, kata Retno saat menggelar konferensi pers bersama tiga menteri di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Kamis (12/5), sesuai dilansir tempo.co.
Retno mengatakan saat ini pihaknya telah mendapat kabar baik dari Uni Eropa terkait dengan implementasi Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT-VPA). Negosiasi Indonesia dengan Uni Eropa berlangsung sejak 10 tahun terakhir dalam rangka FLEGT-VPA. Negosiasi ini dipimpin oleh Kementerian Luar Negeri dengan melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan kehutanan Indonesia. Perjalanan panjang dan berliku penuh dengan tantangan tersebut telah sampai pada puncaknya, yakni kesiapan Indonesia dan Uni Eropa untuk mengimplementasikan FLEGT-VPA pada tahun ini.
SVLK dibangun berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan Indonesia. Seiring dengan perubahan-perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan sebagai konsekuensi dari perubahan lingkungan strategis, maka SVLK pun terus disesuaikan.
SVLK mulai diimplementasikan pada bulan Januari 2013. Dalam perjalanannya, perbaikan terhadap SVLK adalah sesuatu yang logis.
Terbitnya Peraturan Menteri LHK No. P.30 tahun 2016 dan Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No. 25 tahun 2016 menambah kesempurnaan SVLK.
Sebagai lembaga sertifikasi profesional, Mutu Certification International terus berupaya mendukung penerapan produk kayu yang berkelanjutan. Dengan memberikan pelayanan jasa sertifikasi dalam ruang lingkup produk kayu berkelanjutan. Selain SVLK, sertifikasi Chain of Custody (CoC), Wood Source Verification (WSV)/ Verification Legal Original (VLO), Pengelolaan Hutan Produk Lestari (PHPL), Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), dan V-Legal sebagai penjamin yang menerangkan asal-usul kayu, pengolahan, serta penerapan produksi kayu berdasarkan standar keberlanjutan.
Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Siti Nurbaya menambahkan, sistem SVLK dapat mempermudah perdagangan furnitur di pasar global. Selain itu, SVLK dapat menghapus pasar gelap. Sebab, Indonesia mendesak agar negara di Uni Eropa tidak menerima produk furnitur dari hasil kayu ilegal.
“Sistem ini juga akan menghapus illegal logging di Indonesia,” kata Siti. Dia berharap sistem ini dapat melindungi hutan di Indonesia, sehingga proses konservasi hutan dilakukan secara berkelanjutan.
Menurut data Kementerian Kehutanan, saat ini ada 1.634 unit IKM furnitur, dan 70 persen di antaranya IKM eksportir, yang telah memiliki sertifikat SVLK. Pemerintah optimistis IKM yang lain akan mendapatkan SVLK sebelum FLEGT-VPA diimplementasikan.
Sumber :
Tribun news.com & Marketing Communication[:en]The applications of Verification of Legal Woood System (SVLK) which is mandatorily for all products made of wood is valued as widens Indonesian exports of furniture products especially to Europe.
This application of SVLK is further to eliminate due dilligence which has became an expence burden for Indonesian wood based exports to EU.
The Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi ensure that within 3 more months furniture products labeled with SVLK will be acknowledged by the EU to be categorized in the green line. “There is a new asset that will strenghten Indonesian economy in the global market”, she said holding a press conference with 3 Ministers at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry last Thursday, June 12. As quoted by Tempo.co.
Retno said that presently her party got good news from the UE in connection with the implementation of Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Voluntery Partnership Agreement (FLEGT-VPA).Negotiations between Indonesia and EU have occured for the last 10 years in the framework of FLEGT-VPA. The negotiations led by the Foreign Ministry involving the Indonesian forestry stake holders. The long and winding journey with many chalenges has arrived at the top which is preparednes of Indonesia and the EU to implement FLEGT-VPA this year.
SVLK is build based in Indonesian law regulations. Along with revisions of law regulations as a consequences of strategic environmental changes, the SVLK should be continuously be adjusted.
SVLK is commenced on January 2013 and on its way, improvements is logical.
The isuance of Environment Minister Regulation: LHK No. P.30 year 2016 and Trade Minister: No.25 year 2016 add to the perfection of SVLK.
As a professional cerrification institution, Mutu Certification International continually upholds the sustanability implementations of wood products, by providing services; besides the SVLK, Chain of Custody (CoC), Wood Source Verification (WSV)/ Verification Legal Original (VLO), Sustainable Forest Products Managementi (PHPL), Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), and V-Legal as a guarantor explaining processed woods’ origin and the implementations of wood products based on sustained standards.
The Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya added that the SVLK system enabled easy furniture trade in the global market. Beside that SVLK can eliminate black market as Indonesia is pushing out that EU countries do not accept furniture coming out of illegal wood.
“This system will wipe out illegal logging in Indonesia”. Said Siti. She hopes that this system can protect forests in Indonesia therefore, the sustainable of forest conservation.
According to Ministry of Forestry data, there are 1634 units of small manufacturing industries (IKM) and 70% among them exporting IKM owning SVLK certificates. The Government is optimistic other IKM will have their SVLK before the implementation of FLEGT-VPA.
Sources :
Tribun news.com & Marketing Communication