[:id]PT SMART Tbk, anak perusahaan Golden Agri-Resources (GAR), program SMART SEED (Social and Environmental Excellence Development) Gathering di Hotel Santika, Medan, (21/09), dihadiri oleh Presiden Direktur PT. SMART Tbk, Daud Dharsono  dan J. Joelianto selaku Commercial Indonesia Director PT. SMART Tbk.

Acara ini merupakan program yang dilaksanakan untuk kedua kalinya dengan tujuan membantu perusahaan-perusahaan pemasok GAR dalam menerapkan praktik – praktik perkebunan kelapa sawit yang berkelanjutan.

Forum SMART SEED kali ini mengangkat tema tentang peran penting ISPO (Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil) sebagai fondasi industri kelapa sawit nasional. Sekitar 200 peserta termasuk 80 perusahaan pemasok hadir dan bersama tim SMART membahas tantangan, hikmah dan praktik-praktik terbaik dalam memperoleh sertifikasi ISPO.

Sejumlah pejabat pemerintah termasuk Deputi Menko Perekonomian Bidang Koordinasi Pangan dan Pertanian, IIr. Musdhalifah Machmud, MT, memberikan sambutannya dalam acara ini. Pembicara dalam acara ini diantaranya yaitu Ismu Zulfikar selaku Head of Compliance and Certification PT. SMART Tbk., Herdrajat Natawidjaja selaku Kepala Sekretariat Komisi ISPO, dan Rismansyah Danasaputra selaku Perwakilan Asosiasi Lembaga Sertifikasi Indonesia (ALSI).

SMART, Tbk juga mengajak semua Lembaga Sertifikasi (LS) untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini, dimana semua LS diberikan space dan juga berkontribusi dalam pemberian doorprize. PT Mutuagung Lestari yang menjadi anggota ALSI (Asosiasi Lembaga Sertifikasi Indonesia) sebagai Lembaga Sertifikasi ISPO yang ikut serta dalam acara Gathering tersebut. PT. Mutuagung Lestari dan PT. SMART, Tbk. Sampai saat ini sudah banyak menjalin kerjasama terutama dalam bidang agri.

Head of Downstream Sustainability Implementation – PT SMART, Daniel Prakarsa mengatakan bahwa seluruh pabrik kelapa sawit dan kebun PT SMART saat ini dalam proses sertifikasi ISPO. Secara berkala, PT SMART melaporkan kemajuan dan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam meningkatkan praktik-praktik keberlanjutan di perusahaannya.

”Kami selalu siap untuk membantu, berbagi pengalaman, dan bekerja sama dengan semua pemasok, agen, serta petani swadaya kami untuk meningkatkan praktik – praktik keberlanjutan mereka,” tambahnya.

PT SMART secara berkala menyelenggarakan SMART SEED dan program-program lainnya sebagai bagian dari upaya membina dan mendukung pemasok perusahaan agar mengadaptasi praktik sosial dan lingkungan yang lebih baik. Kemudian acara ini ditutup oleh Daniel Arianto Prakarsa selaku Head of Downstream Sustainability Implementation Division PT. SMART Tbk.

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Marketing Communication
PT.MUTUAGUNG LESTARI[:en]PT SMART Tbk., the sister company of Golden Agri Resources (GAR), programmed a SMART SEED (Social and Environmental Excellence Development) gathering in the Santika Medan Hotel on 9 September which was attended by the President Director of PT SMART Tbk. Daud Dharsono and J. Joelianto as the Commercial Indonesia Director of the company.

This event was a program held the second time aiming to assist companies supplying GAR in applying palm tree plantations in the practice of sustainable management

The forum this time was themed on the important performance of ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) as the national palm tree industrial foundation. Around 200 participants including 80 suppliers attended and with SMART team discussed the challenges, benefits, and best practices in order to obtain an ISPO certificate.

Some Government officials attended the gathering was Deputy Minister of Economy Coordinator of Food and Agriculture Ir.Musdhalifah Mahmud, MT. addressing this meeting, Speaker in this meeting was Ismu Zulfikar as the Head of Compliance and Certification of PT SMART Tbk., Hendrajat Natawidjaja as the Head of ISPO Commission Secretariat, and Rismansyah Danasaputra as representative of ALSI (Indonesia Association of Certification Institutions)

SMART Tbk. Was also urging all certificate institutions (LS) to participate in the activities here, where all LSs given space and contributed also in presenting door prizes (to participants). PT Mutuagung Lestari and PT SMART Tbk. Have recently communicated coordination between the 2 companies especially in the field of agriculture.

Head of Downstream Sustainability Implementation of PT SMART Daniel Prakasa said that presently all palm oil mills and PT SMART’s plantations were in process to ISPO certifications. Periodically they reported developments and challenges met in the effort of sustainability practices in their companies,

“We are always ready to assist, share experience, and cooperate with all suppliers, agents, and independent farmers to increase sustainable practices with them.” He added.

PT SMART also periodically held SMART SEED gathering and other programs as a part in efforts to guide and support company suppliers adapting better social and environment practices. Lastly the gathering was closed by Daniel Arianto Prakasa.

Marketing Communication