[:id]Senin (31/10), dalam rangka percepatan Sertifikasi ISPO dan konsistensi penerapan pedoman ISPO di lapangan (Distrik atau Kebun), Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (GAPKI) Sumatera Utara mengadakan Pelatihan dan Pembekalan ISPO bagi petugas lapangan (Distrik atau Kebun) bertempat di Home Anaya Hotel dikota Medan.

fotoSambutan awal disampaikan oleh Setia Darma Sebayang Selaku Ketua Gapki cabang Sumatera Utara, dilanjutkan dengan sambutan dari Darwin Simbolon selaku kompartemen ISPO GAPKI Sumatera Utara. Sambutan terakhir disampaikan oleh Batahan Siringoringo selaku General Manager PT Mutuagung Lestari, dimana PT Mutuagung Lestari berperan serta sebagai Sponsorship.

Acara dilanjutkan dengan pemberian materi yang disampaikan oleh Ishman L Sibuea dan Henry Marpaung yang menyampaikan materi mengenai Prinsip-prinsip ISPO dan Prinsip Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK). Pelatihan yang berlangsung selama satu hari ini berjalan dengan lancar dengan dihadiri oleh 57 peserta dari Rayon Utara anggota GAPKI Sumatera Utara

Pelatihan ini merupakan salah satu bentuk promosi PT Mutuagung Lestari dalam memberikan pelayanan terbaiknya, terutama jasa layanan yang berkaitan dengan kelapa sawit atau dikenal dengan istilah Multi Services yang meliputi Sertifikasi ISPO, RSPO, IS0 9001, ISO 14000, SMK3, ISCC, GRK, Surveyor dan Laboratorium Pengujian dan Kalibrasi.

Sumber :
Marketing Communication
PT. MUTUAGUNG LESTARI[:en]Monday, October 10, in the framework to speed up ISPO certifications and the consequences of ISPO guidance applications in field districts or plantations for members of Indonesian Joint Palm Oil Businesses (GAPKI) in North Sumatra held training and providence of ISPO for districts and plantation employees taking place at the Home Anaya Hotel in the city of Medan.

fotoFirst address was conveyed by Mr. Setia Darma Sebayang, as the GAPKI North Sumatra Branch Chairman, followed by Mr. Darwin Simbolon as the North Sumatran GAPKI ISPO Compartment, and the last speech was by Mr.Batahan Siringoringo, our General Manager, as PT Mutuagung Lestari sponsored the training occasion.

The program was continued by a discussion by Mr. Ishman Sibueya and Mr.Henry Marpaung who conveyed the subject of ISPO Principles and Greenhouse Gases Principles (GRK). Trainings which took the whole day went very well and attended by 57 participants of the North Region members of North Sumatra’s GAPKI.

The training was one of Mutuagung Lestari form of promotions in giving its best services in palm oil or known as multi services which include certification services of ISPO, RSPO, ISO 9001, ISO 14000, SMK3, ISCC, GRK, Surveyor and laboratory’s testing and calibrating.

Marketing Communication
