Gathering of Halal-Bihalal and Entrepreneur’s Motivation Seminar

[:id]HALAL BIHALAL 01082017 2

Culinary Indonesia held a “Halal Bihalal-Silaturahmi” one-day seminar and an Entrepreneur’ Motivation Day, where PT Mutuagung Lestari became one of the main sponsors and the source of seminar’s subject, represented by Ms. Tati Maryati, as the Company’s Executive Vice-President.

Event was held at the Nyi Iteung Restaurant in the town of Cibinong on July 29 carrying the theme of “Developing High Competitive Indonesian Food Business, Quality and Healthy Through the Management Standard Application of Food Safety ISO 22000 and Quality Competence.

The occasion was attended by 100 participants from UKMs and IMKM (Small & Medium Food Businesses), Street Chefs of Indonesia, APJI and IKA Boga Organizations, the Tourism and Health Authorities. The Food Entrepreneur Motivation Instructor was Ms. Lilis Kurnaelis. Event was closed by the Committee Head: Mr. Subagyo with distributions of door-prizes and certificates.

Marketing Communication

 [:en]HALAL BIHALAL 01082017 2

Kuliner Indonesia mengadakan acara Halal Bihalal Silaturahmi, Seminar Sehari dan Motivasi Enterpreneur dimana PT Mutuagung Lesatri menjadi salah satu Sponsor utama dan menjadi salah satu Narasumber, yang diwakili oleh Tati Maryati, S.Si, MM selaku Executive Vice President Marketing.

Acara yang diadakan di Restoran Nyi Iteung, Cibinong pada 29 Juli 2017 mengusung tema “Membangun usaha pangan Indonesia yang berdaya saing tinggi, bermutu dan sehat melalui penerapan usaha kuliner Indonesia yang berstandar sistem manajemen mutu keamanan pangan ISO 22000 dan kompetensi yang berkualitas”.

Acara ini dihadiri oleh 100 peserta yang berasal dari UKM dan IMKM, Street Chef Indonesia, APJI, IKA Boga dan Dinas Pariwisata serta Dinas Kesehatan, turut hadir Motivator Enterpreneur pangan, Lilis Kurnaelis.

Ramah tamah ditutup oleh Subagiyo selaku ketua panitia, dengan pembagian doorprize dan sertifikat.

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Marketing Communication