27 Mar In House Training Internal Auditor ISO 22000/ SMKP Jasa Boga Raya
[:id] Jasa Boga Raya, Sentul City, Bogor, Jawa Barat bekerjasama dengan Mutu Institute dalam penyelenggaraan In House Training (IHT) Internal Auditor ISO 22000/ SMKP. Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan di kantor PT. Jasa Boga Raya berlokasi di Plaza Amsterdam, Sentul City, Bogor, Jawa Barat pada tanggal 21-23 Maret 2018 dan dihadiri oleh 8 peserta yang terdiri dari executive chef, HR manager, accounting, ahli gizi, purchasing, general affair, dan chief marketing operational.
Materi pelatihan IHT Internal Auditor ISO 22000/SMKP yang disampaikan langsung oleh Bapak Budi Sarwono di selaku Auditor Internal Mutuagung Lestari dan trainer senior ISO 22000/SMKP adalah pengertian sistem manajemen keamanan pangan, pemahaman/interpretasi standar ISO 22000, terminologi dan definisi ISO 22000, Jenis-jenis audit, prinsip-prinsip audit, sikap dan profesionalisme auditor, penjelasan tata cara pelaksaan audit, simulasi audit dan ujian.
In House Training (IHT) Internal Auditor ISO 22000/SMKP yang diselenggarakan atas kerjasama Mutu Institute dan PT. Jasa Boga Raya serta beberapa pelatihan publik lainnya menjadi salah satu bukti nyata dari komitmen Mutu Institute terhadap perkembangan dan kemajuan kliennya. Dimana dengan adanya kerjasama yang baik maka tujuan dari organisasi akan mudah tercapai.
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Mutu Institute & Marketing Communication
[:en]Jasa Boga Raya, at Sentul City in Bogor, West Java in co-operation with Mutu Institute, held an in-house training for ISO 22000 Auditors. The event took place in the offices of the Company PT Jasa Boga Raya, located at the Plaza Amsterdam, Sentul City, Bogor on the 21st. to 23rd. of March. It was attended by 8 participants, who are executive chefs, Human Resources Managers, Accounting Managers, Dieticians, Purchasing and Gen. Affairs personnel, and the Chief of Operational Marketing.
Training subject of ISO 22000/SMKP auditors was executed by Mr.Budi Sarwono, as the Mutuagung Lestari’s Internal Auditor, and he is also the senior trainer of ISO 22000/SMKP. The subject is to understand the safety of foodstuff. Understandings / interpretations of the ISO 22000 standard, terminologies, definitions, of the standard, various audits, professionalism and attitudes of auditors, explanations of audit procedures, simulations of audits and examinations of auditors.
This kind of in-house training and other public trainings held in co-operation with our Mutu Institute, proves the commitments of our view in the development and advancements of our clients. With good co-operations, goals of organizations will easily be reached.
Mutu Institute & Marketing Communication