04 Apr In House Training Pelatihan Pemahaman RSPO ISPO Mitra Lawang Agrotama
[:id]Mitra Lawang Agrotama, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta bekerjasama dengan Mutu Institute dalam penyelenggaraan In House Training (IHT) Pelatihan Pemahaman RSPO ISPO. Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan di kantor PT. Mitra Lawang Agrotamana berlokasi di The City Tower Center One, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta pada tanggal 2-3 April 2018 dan dihadiri oleh 11 peserta yang terdiri dari Head of Operational, Surveyor, Director, Legal, Finance, Business Development.
Materi pelatihan IHT pemahaman RSPO ISPO yang disampaikan langsung oleh Marsudi Eko Santoso selaku Auditor Eksternal PT. Mutuagung Lestari dan trainer RSPO ISPO. Materi pelatihan pemahaman RSPO ISPO yaitu, latar belakang standar RSPO ISPO, peraturan dan regulasi RSPO ISPO, pemahaman per kriteria dan indikator, sejarah dan lingkup RSPO ISPO, prinsip-prinsip RSPO ISPO, pengenalan dan pemahaman standar, prinsip-prinsip, persyaratan pada RSPO ISPO per kriteria dan indikator, pemahaman integrasi dan sertifikasi
In House Training (IHT) pemahaman RSPO yang diselenggarakan atas kerjasama Mutu Institute dan PT. Mitra Lawang Agrotama serta beberapa pelatihan publik lainnya menjadi salah satu bukti nyata dari komitmen Mutu Institute terhadap perkembangan dan kemajuan kliennya. Dimana dengan adanya kerjasama yang baik maka tujuan dari organisasi akan mudah tercapai.
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Mutu Institute & Marketing Communication
[:en]Mitra Lawang Agrotama Industry Company of Jakarta I co-operation with Mutu Institute held an In-house training on the understandings of the RSPO ISPO standard in their offices in City Tower Center One Jakarta on the 2nd. and 3rd. of April for their staff of management: Head of Operational, Surveyor, Director, Legal, Finance, and Business Development.
Subject materials in this training was the fundamentals of RSPO ISPO, presented by Mr. Marsudi Eko Santoso, as the external auditor of PT Mutuagung Lestari and he is also a trainer for the standard. He explained the background of RSPO ISPO standard, its regulations, understanding its criteria and indicators, history, and scope. Also its principles, introduction, understanding the standard and its required conditions per criteria and indicators, understand its integration and certifications.
This in-house training on the understandings of RSPO which was held with the co-operation between Mutu Institute and Mitra Lawang Company, and other public training which were held, become evidences of how the commitments of Mutu Institute in its concern of developing and improving of its clients. With good co-operation, goals of the organizations will be easily achieved.
Mutu Institute & Marketing Communication