17 Sep Pengumuman Publik Hasil Penilikan 1 LK PT Subur Alam Sukses
Pengumuman Publik Hasil Penilikan 1 LK PT Subur Alam Sukses dapat diunduh dilink :...
Pengumuman Publik Hasil Penilikan 1 LK PT Subur Alam Sukses dapat diunduh dilink :...
Pengumuman Publik Hasil Penilikan 1 PT Jiuda Senlin Indonesia dapat diunduh dilink : Download...
RSPO ASA 1.1 Summary Report of Pondok Labu POM, PT Paripurna Swakarsa (Sime Darby Plantation Bhd) dapat diunduh dilink : Download...
[:id]Herewith, we would like to inform RSPO Certification Department that the certificate Sukamadang Factory – PT Kridatama Lancar, subsidiaries of SIME DARBY Plantation Berhad (MUTU-RSPO/003) has been reinstated on 13 September 2018 based on the compliance to all major non-compliance raised during the Annual Surveillance...
Pengumuman Publik Hasil Penilikan 2 VLK Industri CV Kayu Kita dapat diunduh dilink : Download...
[:id]Herewith, we would like to inform RSPO Certification Department that the certificate Gunung Aru Factory – PT Bersama Sejahtera Sakti, subsidiaries of SIME DARBY Plantation Berhad (MUTU-RSPO/005) has been reinstated on 13 September 2018 based on the compliance to all major non-compliance raised during the...
Herewith, we would like to inform RSPO Certification Department that the certificate Pabatu POM – PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (MUTU-RSPO/072) has been reinstated on 13 September 2018 based on the compliance to all major non-compliance raised during the Annual Surveillance Assessment-3 by the certification unit. Thank...
Pengumuman Publik Terbit Sertifikat LK PT Pura Nusapersada dapat diunduh dilink : Download...
Pengumuman Publik Rencana Penilikan 2 PT. Surya Jawa Albasia dapat diunduh dilink : Download...
Pengumuman Publik Rencana Sertifikasi PT. Daya Sakti Niaga dapat diunduh dilink :Download...