19 Mei In House Training Selling Skill untuk Marketing PT Mutuagung Lestari
[:id]Pada tanggal 17-19 Mei 2017, PT Mutuagung Lestari mengadakan In House Training Selling Skill yang bertempat di kantor PT Mutuagung Lestari. IHT ini di khususkan untuk staff Marketing Head Office dan Branch Office.
IHT dibuka oleh Arifin Lambaga, selaku Presiden Direktur. Dalam pembukaannya ia mengatakan bahwa seorang marketer harus percaya diri, mempunyai product knowledge yang bagus dan harus agresif terhadap klien. Karena marketer adalah ujung tombak perusahaan.
Narasumber IHT adalah Tati Maryati, selaku Executive Vice President Marketing, yang membawakan tips-tips menjadi marketing yang handal, cara menghadapai karakter calon klien yang berbeda-beda, cara bersikap kepada calon klien.
Ada 22 peserta yang hadir dalam IHT Selling Skill. IHT berjalan dengan lancar, tujuanya diselenggarakan IHT ini agar seluruh marketer dapat tampil percaya diri, agresif, dan mampu menjual produk yang baik dan benar.
Pada hari terakhir sesi 1, IHT di isi oleh Firman Kurniawan, selaku Tenaga Ahli Komunikasi. Ia menerangkan bagaimana cara komunikasi secara baik dengan klien. Sesi hari terakhir ini dilanjutkan oleh Abdul Rahman, untuk menjelaskan product knowledge skema SMK3, ISCC dan GRK. Dan pada sesi terakhir di isi oleh Company Sister PT Mutuagung Lestari seperti PT Mutu Medical dan PT IUB, tujuannya agar seluruh marketing PT Mutuagung Lestari mengetahui apa saja produk yang dimiliki oleh Perusahaan-perushaan tersebut.
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Marketing Communication
[:en]On the 17 to 19th. Of May, PT Mutuagung Lestari held a training skills in-house training especially for the Company’s head and branches office’s marketing staff.
Training was opened by Mr. Arifin Lambaga, the President Director of the Company. In his address he said that as a marketer we have to be self-confident, acquiring a good product knowledge, and be aggressive with clients, as marketers are the spearheads of the Company.
Training’s instructor is Ms. Tati Maryati who is the Marketing Vice President who presented tips of how to become an excellent marketer, how to face to be client’s different characters, and how to behave towards clients. There were 22 training participants in the In-house Training of selling skills. The training itself went very well, its goal was that all company’s marketer will have self-confidence, aggressive and capable of selling good and quality products.
On the end of the day of the 1st. session was filled by Dr. Firman Kurniawan, as the communication expert of the Company, who addressed of how to communicate best with customers. And finally the meeting was closed by Mr. Abdul Rahman who explained product knowledge of the SMK3, ISCC and GRK schemes. Training also introduce the Company’s sister companies: PT Mutu Medical and PT IUB so as Company’s marketers obtained knowledge of what products those companies have.
Marketing Communication