31 Oct Ketum GAPKI: Dukungan Pemerintah Untuk Industri Sawit Penting
[:id]NUSA DUA, 30 Oktober 2018 – Pada kesempatan pembukaan Indonesian Palm Oil Conference (IPOC) 2018 & 2019 Price Outlook, Ketua Umum Gabungan GAPKI Joko Supriyono menyampaikan terima kasih atas kehadiran Presiden Joko Widodo pada peresmian Pembukaan IPOC 2018.
“Dukungan Bapak Presiden kepada sektor kelapa sawit sangat besar. Ini ditunjukkan dengan berbagai kebijakan pemerintah yang mendorong pengembangan sektor kelapa sawit termasuk pada program peningkatan produktivitas dan peremajaan perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat,” kata Joko dalam keterangan resmi diterima InfoSWIT, Senin (29/10/2018).
Lebih lanjut kata Joko Supriyono, dukungan pemerintah lainnya ditunjukkan pada pelaksanaan program mandatory B20, pengembangan pasar-pasar ekspor baru, dan pengembangan SDM kelapa sawit di berbagai perguruan tinggi. “Belum pernah ada Presiden RI yang menanam sendiri dan langsung tanaman kelapa sawit ini,” katanya.
Pihak GAPKI, menyampaikan apresasi karena pemerintah cukup aktif mengkampanyekan industri sawit Indonesia di luar negeri. Khususnya di negara-negara tujuan ekspor. “Bahkan Bapak Presiden selalu pasang badan memberikan perlindungan terhadap segala bentuk hambatan perdagangan minyak sawit, khususnya di Eropa dan AS,” katanya.
Saat ini tercatat produksi minyak sawit Indonesia mencapai 42 juta ton di mana 30 juta ton akan diekspor. Karena itu, terkait program mandatori biodiesel B20, kata Joko Supriyono, sangat siap menyediakan bahan baku. Dengan pasokan minyak sawit sebesar ini, program biodiesel tidak pernah kesulitan bahan baku. (T2)
Sumber :
PT. MUTUAGUNG LESTARI[:en]Nusa Dua, October 30 – In the opportunity of the opening of Indonesian Palm Oil Conference (IPOC) 2018 & 2019 Price Outlook, the Chairman of GAPKI Mr. Joko Supriono conveyed his gratitude for the attendance of President Joko Widodo in the opening ceremony.
“Support from His Excellency President Joko Widodo in the palm-oil sector is very great in various governments’ policies in developing this sector and also in the program of productivity improvements and rejuvenations of farmers’ palm-oil plantations.” Said the Chairman in the official statement to the InfoSWIT magazine last Monday, Oct.29th.
Furthermore, said the Chairman, other support by the Govt. is executed in the mandatory B20 program, developments in the new export markets and developing human resources in the palm-oil industry at Universities. “No Indonesian Presidents before who plant a palm-oil tree himself.” He added.
GAPKI conveyed appreciation for the government activities in campaigning abroad for the Indonesian palm-oil industry, especially in the exporting destinations countries. “Even the President himself guarantees in giving protection against the palm oil trading obstacles, especially in Europe and USA” said the Chairman.
Presently, recorded Indonesian Palm-oil products reached 42 million tons, where 30 million tons are exported. In connection with the mandatory program of bio-diesel, Mr. Joko Supriono said he is very ready to supply its raw materials. With demands of palm-oil of the said amount, the bio-diesel program will not run out of raw-materials.