Percepatan Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata melalui Sinergitas Antar Lembaga Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata

[:id]Bertempat di Kantor Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia,  diselenggarakan acara Forum Koordinasi Lembaga Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata dengan tema Percepatan Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata melalui Sinergitas Antar Lembaga Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata.

Acara yang di adakan pada tanggal 20 September 2017 ini dibuka oleh Kepala Bidang Sertifikasi Usaha Pariwisata,  Mugiyanto.  Dalam kesempatan itu juga dilangsungkan deklarasi kode etik LSUP dan Penandatanganan  Nota kesepahaman harga antara LSUP, paparan skema sertifikasi usaha hotel dan akselerasi regulasi sertifikasi usaha pariwisata.

Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata,  Dadang Rizki Ratman, SH, MPA, menyampaikan bahwa, Presiden mentargetkan 20 juta wisatawan yang datang ke Indonesia. Untuk itu dibutuhkan kerja keras dalam mewujudkannya. Oleh karenanya dibutuhkn koordinasi team dengan melibatkan Pemerintah, pelaku usaha,  akademisi, komunitas dan Media.

Dadang Rizki Ratman, SH, MPA, juga menyampaikan bahwa meskipun jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung penting tapi jauh lebih penting kualitas pelayanannya.

Diharapkan antar elemen stakeholder kompak,  jangan sampai terjadi perang harga antar sesama, karena social costnya tinggi. Untuk itu dibutuhkan great spirit,  great strategy dan great leader.
Selain itu Indonesia mendapatkan 2  penghargaan UNWTO Video Competation Chengdu Vhina, yaitu people’s choice award dan Winner East Asia Pacific Region.

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Marketing Communication

[:en]Taking place at the office of the Indonesian Tourism Ministry, a program of Coordination between Tourism Business Certification Bodies, with the theme: To Accelerate Certification for the Tourism business through Synergies Among Certification Bodies. It was held on September 20 and opened by the Head of Tourism Business Certification Office: Mr. Mugyanto. In the occasion, an ethical-code of Tourism was declared. Also, a signing of price draft-agreement between Certification Bodies, explanations of certifications for the tourism business and the acceleration of regulations for the industry.

The Deputy of Tourism Destinations and Industry, Mr. Dadang Rizki Rahman conveyed that the President has targeted 20 million tourists to visit Indonesia. Therefore, hard work is required to realize it. A co-ordination team is also needed among authorities, business communities, academicians, stake-holders and the Media.

The Deputy also conveyed the meeting participants the although the numbers of tourists’ matter, but the quality of service is far more important. He hoped for a compact stake-holders’ elements to avoid price war as the social cost is high. Therefore, great spirit, great strategy and great leader are needed.

Indonesia reached two awards in the UNWTO Video Competition in Chengdu, China, which are: People’s Choice Award and Winner for East Asia-Pacific Region


Marketing Communication
