[:id]Kamis (22/9), di Hotel Goodway Lubuk Baja Kota Batam, PT Mutuagung Lestari menggelar acara Sosialisasi LSU bidang Hotel serta Sertifikasi dan Pengujian Lingkungan di kawasan Industri di Kota Batam bekerjasama dengan Perhimpunan Hotel Republik Indonesia (PHRI) Batam dan Kadin Batam,  dihadiri oleh Arifin Lambaga selaku Presiden Direktur PT Mutuagung Lestari, Ketua Kadin Batam, Jadi Rajagukguk, Perhimpunan Hotel Republik Indonesia (PHRI) Batam, Jalurman Tarigan,  Ketua Umum Perkumpulan Usaha Pariwisata Hiburan & Rekreasi Indonesia (PAPHIRASI) Edy Syahputra dan dihadiri Walikota Batam, H.M. Rudi, serta dihadiri puluhan peserta.

Foto 2Arifin Lambaga selaku Presiden Direktur PT Mutuagung Lestari mengatakan bahwa sertifikasi LSU Hotel dibutuhkan seluruh bidang usaha hotel. Sebab, usaha hotel maupun pariwisata tengah berada dalam persaingan ketat.

“Sekarang ini negara ASEAN dan masyarakatnya sudah bebas keluar masuk negara. Sehingga menimbulkan persaingan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan standar usaha dengan sertifikasi” tambah Arifin.

Arifin menambahkan bahwa selain sertifikasi usaha hotel, perusahaan diwajibkan untuk melakukan pengujian lingkungan seperti pengujian air serta limbah pembuangan.

Menurutnya lagi, dengan sertifikasi LSU Hotel setiap bidang usaha pariwisata memiliki standar  serta melahirkan pekerja yang bermutu.

“Harapan kita bisa memberikan pilihan ke anggota Kadin untuk meningkatkan produk di Batam” tambah Arifin.

Ketua Kadin, Jadi Rajagukguk, mendukung kegiatan sosialisasi tersebut.

Acara Sosialisasi ini diakhiri dengan penandatanganan MoU kerjasama antara Kadin Kota Batam dengan PT. Mutuagung Lestari di saksikan oleh Walikota Batam, Kepala  BP Batam dan Kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kota Batam.

Sumber :
Marketing Communication


 [:en]Thursday, Sept. 22 at the Goodway Lubuk Baja Hotel in Batam, PT Mutuagung Lestari held a socialization on LSU for hotels and also certification and an environmental testing of industrial areas in Batam, in cooperation with the Indonesian Hotel Association (PHRI) Batam branch and Batam Chamber of Commerce. Attended by Arifin Lambaga as the Director of our Company, Jadi Rajaguguk, the chairman of Batam’s Chamber of Commerce, Jalurman Tarigan of Batam’s Chairman of the Indonesian Association for Entertainment and Recreation (PAPHIRASI), Eddy Syahputra and the Mayor of Batam H.M.Rudi. It is also attended by tens of participants.

Foto 2Arifin Lambaga as the President Director of PT Mutuagung Lestari said that the LSU Hotel certifications are needed by all hotel businesses due to hotel businesses and traveling is presently in a very tight competitions. “Nowadays people in ASEAN countries are free to travel between countries and they become a competition. Therefore, a business standard is needed completed with certificates.” He also added that beside the hotel business certification, companies are also obliged to execute environmental testing like water and wastes testing.

According to him again, with the Hotel LSU certification, all travel businesses will have a standard and qualified workers will be born. “We hope we can provide choices to the Association members to increase productivity in Batam. The Chamber of Commerce Chairman supported the socialization activity.

The socialization was closed by signing a MoU of cooperation between Batam Chamber of Commerce and PT Mutuagung Lestari, witnessed by the Mayor of Batam, Authority of Batam, and Head of Batam’s Travel ad Culture Office.

Sources :
Marketing Communication
