Audit Akreditasi LS PRO untuk Mutu Certification International

[:id]Pada 6-7 Juli 2017, di PT Mutuagung Lestari, telah dilaksanakan Eksternal Audit Akreditasi LS Pro, untuk SNI kayu, SNI Pangan dan Wood Composite oleh Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN).

Dari KAN hadir Evita Boes sebagai Ketua Tim, Andry Ridhya Prihikmat dan Awan Taufani sebagai Asesor. Sedangkan dari Mutu Certification International dihadiri oleh Toni Arifiarchman selaku Direktur Executive Sertifikasi,  beserta para Manager dan staf dari divisi Quality Assurance.

Kegiatan Audit ini mengacu pada SNI ISO/IEC 17065:2012, Peraturan Menteri terkait, dan standar produk yang sesuai ruang lingkup.

Tujuan audit terutma untuk mengukur kesiapan dan  pemahaman terhadap sertifikasi produk oleh personal Mutu Certification International.

Sumber :
Marketing Communication
PT. MUTUAGUNG LESTARI[:en]On the 6 and 7th. Of July at the offices of PT Mutuagung Lestari an accreditation audit of Certification Body (Professional LS) for the Indonesian Standard (SNI) of wood, food and composite wood was executed by the National Committee of Accreditation (KAN)

Ms. Evita Boes, KAN’s Head of the accreditation team, presented at the meeting, with Mr. Andry Ridhya Prihikmat and Mr. Awan Taufani as its assessors. Mutu Certification International was presented by its Certification Executive Director: Mr. Tony Arifiarachman, accompanied by the Manager and some staff form the Quality Assurance Division. The audit is referring to SNI ISO/IEC’s 17065:2012, Regulations of the referring Govt. Ministry and Products Standard.

The objectives of the audit is to measure up readiness and understandings of products’ certification by Mutu Certifuication International’s personnel.


Marketing Communication