26 Mei Pengumuman Publik Rencana Audit Resertifikasi PT Katingan Timber Celebes
Pengumuman Publik Rencana Audit Resertifikasi PT Katingan Timber Celebes Download...
Pengumuman Publik Rencana Audit Resertifikasi PT Katingan Timber Celebes Download...
Pengumuman Publik Rencana Audit Sertifikasi PT Yimei Group International Download...
RSPO ASA-1 Summary Report of Pembangunan Raya POM PT Agro Sejahtera Manunggal subsidiary of Bumitama Agri Ltd: Download...
RSPO ASA-1 Summary Report of Kilang Sawit Serting Hilir, Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd subsidiary of FGV Holdings Bhd: Download...
RSPO ASA-1.1 Summary Report of Leidong West POM PT MP Leidong West Indonesia subsidiary of GAR: Download...
Herewith, we would like to inform that the certificate Pondok Labu POM PT Paripurna Swakarsa (MUTU-RSPO/016) has been reinstated on 14 May 2020 based on the compliance to all major non-compliance raised during the Annual Surveillance Assessment-1.3 by the certification unit....
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Regarding to the major non-conformity of the audit results of ASA-1.3 RSPO PT Paripurna Swakarsa which have not been able to be fulfilled until to the deadline on May 07th, 2020, then refer to the RSPO certification system and through a letter from PT Mutuagung...
Berkenaan dengan masih adanya ketidaksesuaian major hasil audit ASA-1.3 RSPO PT Paripurna Swakarsa yang belum dapat dipenuhi sampai dengan batas waktu pemenuhan ketidaksesuaian tersebut pada tanggal 07 Mei 2020, maka mengacu kepada aturan sistem sertifikasi RSPO dan melalui surat dari PT Mutuagung Lestari dinyatakan bahwa...
RSPO ASA-1 Summary Report of KKS Jerangau Baru subsidiary of FGV Holding Berhad: Download...