Launching Calendar of Event Pariwisata Danau Toba 2017

[:id]Badan Otorita Danau Toba bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Pariwisata menggelar Launching Calendar of Event pariwisata Danau Toba 2017 di Balairung Soesilo Soedarman, Gedung Sapta Pesona Jakarta, kantor Kementerian Pariwisata (Kemenpar), Senin malam, 20 Maret 2017. Diadakan juga Diaspora dan wakil 8 (delapan) Kabupaten yang ada di sekitar destinasi wisata Danau Toba. Menteri Pariwisata (Menpar) Arief Yahya bersama Wakil Gubernur Sumut Nurhajizah Marpaung me-Launching Calendar of Event Pariwisata Danau Toba 2017.

Peluncuran Calendar of Event ini sebagai upaya mempromosikan destinasi pariwisata Danau Toba yang ditetapkan pemerintah sebagai satu di antara 10 destinasi prioritas.

Menpar, Arief Yahya mengatakan bahwa Kemenpar bertugas untuk mengejar target 1 juta wisatawan mancanegara (wisman) ke destinasi Danau Toba dengan perolehan devisa USD 500 juta pada 2019, dengan asumsi 1 juta wisman kali USD 500 spending per kedatangan.

Ditambahkan Menteri Arief, Kemenhub akan menyelesaikan proyek infrastruktur Bandara Silangit dan revitalisasi jalur kereta api Medan-Kualanamu- Siantar sekitar September 2017 sebagai langkah percepatan pembangunan destinasi Danau Toba dalam mewujudkan target pariwisata nasional tahun 2019.

Wakil Gubernur Sumut Nurhajizah Marpaung mengatakan, seluruh stakeholder pariwisata di Sumut siap mensukseskan Danau Toba sebagai destinasi kelas dunia yang akan mendatangkan jutaan wisman dan wisnus sehingga memberikan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat sekitar. “Kegiatan pariwisata Danau Toba ditargetkan pada 2019 akan memberikan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) sebesar Rp 16 triliun serta menciptakan sebanyak 300 ribu lapangan kerja baru. Ini akan meningkat kesejahteraan masyarakat Sumut,” kata Nurhajizah.

Lebih lanjut, dia  mengatakan, Launching Calendar of  Event Pariwisata Danau Toba 2017 merupakan bagian upaya promosi dalam meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan ke Danau Toba yang memiliki kunggulan dalam daya tarik budaya (culture), alam  (nature) dan daya tarik buatan (manmade).

Sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap kebudayaan Sumut, PT Mutuagung Lestari ikut berpartisipasi menghadiri Launching Calendar of Event Pariwisata Danau Toba 2017, diwakili oleh Executive Vice President, Batahan Siringoringo.

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Marketing Communication
PT. MUTUAGUNG LESTARI[:en]Lake Toba’s Authority Body in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism launched a ‘Calendar of Event’ meeting for the Lake Toba Tourism at the Soesilo Soedarman Hall, Sapta Pesona Building of the Ministry of Tourism Office in Jakarta last Monday night (20th. of March). A meeting of diaspora of some 8 Kabupaten (Districts) of the surroundings of Lake Toba, which is the tourist’s destination. Tourism Minister, Mr.Arief Yahya and the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Ms. Nurhajizah Marpaung launched the 2017 Lake Toba Tourism Calendar of Event.

The Calendar of Event launching target is to promote Lake Toba as a tourist’s destination, which was decided by the Government as one of the 10 priority of Indonesian destination. The Minister of Tourism has a duty to target 1 million tourists with income from them to reach US$ 500 million in 2019, with assumption that 1 million tourists spend US$ 500.00 each arrival.

The Minister also added that Ministry of Transportation will complete the infrastructures of the airport Silangit and to revitalize the rail-road track between the cities of Medan – Kualanamu and Siantar in September this year as a development acceleration to the national targets of Tourism in 2019.

The Deputy Governor of North Sumatra Ms. Marpaung said that North Sumatra’s tourism stakeholders are ready to make Lake Toba a world-class tourist’s destination for millions of travelers who will bring society’s welfare in the surroundings. “Lake Toba’s tourist’s activities in 2019 is targeted to increase the regional’s Gross Domestic Production to be 16 trillion rupiahs and creates new 300,000 jobs. This will increase the North Sumatra’s people welfare.” She said.

Furthermore, she said that the Launching was a promotion to travelers to visit Lake Toba in North Sumatra which has excellences in its culture, nature and manmade attractions.

PT Mutuagung Lestari is also very concern in the cultures of North Sumatra and participated in attending the Launching of 2017 Lake Toba’s Tourism. The Company was represented by its Vice-President: Mr. Batahan Siringoringo,

Marketing Communication
