Notifikasi Pembekuan Sertifikat RSPO Kilang Sawit Serting – Felda Palm Industries Sdn. Bhd subsidiary of FELDA GLOBAL VENTURES HOLDING BERHAD

[:id]Pengumuman Perusahaan dalam status Pembekuan Sertifikat RSPO :

Dengan ini, kami ingin menginformasikan bahwa sertifikat RSPO Kilang Sawit Serting – Felda Palm Industries Sdn. Bhd dari FELDA GLOBAL VENTURES HOLDING BERHAD (MUTU-RSPO/117) yang ditangguhkan sejak 30 November 2018.

Penangguhan sertifikat karena Surat Pengaduan Panel RSPO tanggal 28 November 2018, mencerminkan keputusan dan tindakan mereka yang harus diambil sehubungan dengan penangguhan sertifikat FELDA – Kilang Sawit Serting[:en]Herewith, we would like to inform that the RSPO certificate of Kilang Sawit Serting – Felda Palm Industries Sdn. Bhd subsidiary of FELDA GLOBAL VENTURES HOLDING BERHAD (MUTU-RSPO/117) is suspended since November 30, 2018.

Suspension of certificate due to The RSPO Panel Complaint Letter dated 28 November 2018, reflecting their decisions and actions that must be taken in connection with the suspension of the FELDA certificate – Kilang Sawit Serting.
