[:id]Jakarta (19/1/2017), bertempat di ruang Sonokeling Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan diadakan acara sosialisasi penyelenggaraan pameran Indogreen Environment & Forestry Expo Ke-9 Tahun 2017 yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) bekerjasama dengan PT. Wahyu Promo Citra.

Acara dihadiri oleh Kepala Biro Lingkungan Masyarakat Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK), Jati Widjaksono, Presiden Direktur PT. Wahyu Promo Citra, Syukur Saka dan tamu undangan perwakilan dari kementerian kehutanan, pemerintah daerah, dan beberapa pengusaha. PT Mutuagung Lestari hadir sebagai salah satu undangan dalam acara Sosialisasi Penyelenggaraan Pameran Indogreen Environment & Forestry Expo Ke-9 Tahun 2017.

Acara dibuka oleh Kepala Biro Lingkungan Masyarakat Kementerian LHK, Jati Widjaksono Hadi. Dilanjutkan dengan sambutan dari Ketua Penyelenggara Pameran PT. Wahyu Promo Citra, Syukur Saka.

Pameran ”IndoGreen Environment & Forestry Expo 2017” merupakan pameran lingkungan dan kehutanan terbesar di Indonesia yang terselenggara sejak tahun 2009. Pameran Indogreen Environment & Forestry Expo Ke-9 Tahun 2017 akan diselenggarakan pada 13-16 April 2017 bertempat di Jakarta Convention&Center (JCC), menampilkan potensi-potensi sektor kehutanan, pengelolaan lingkungan dan kehutanan pemanfaatan dan pelestarian hutan, penggunaan kawasan hutan, industri kehutanan berupa hasil hutan baik kayu maupun non kayu, produk olahannya dan peralatan pemanfaatan hutan, industri pengolahan limbah dan sampah, teknologi pengelolaan limbah, industry pangan, energi dan alat pendingin udara rendah emisi. Pameran ini juga mensosialisasikan program dan tindakan nyata pemerintah dan pihak swasta dalam pengelolaan kawasan hutan berkelanjutan termasuk reklamasi hutan dan lahan bekas tambang, serta pemanfaatan panas bumi.

Selama pameran akan ditampilkan produk dan jasa bidang kehutanan, sosialisasi program-program pemerintah dan swasta yang ramah lingkungan, produk dan jasa yang ramah lingkungan dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan bernegara serta berbagai kegiatan menarik yang penting untuk diikuti seperti Seminar Internasional bertema “Save The Forest, Save The World”, temu bisnis,  talkshow dan presentasi  mengenai potensi peluang bisnis hasil hutan non-kayu serta peran dunia bisnis dalam melestarikan hutan Indonesia.

Acara sosialisasi penyelenggaraan pameran Indogreen Environment & Forestry Expo Ke-9 Tahun 2017 berjalan lancar dan diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab oleh tamu undangan kepada panitia pelaksana, PT Wahyu Promo Citra.

Sumber :
Marketing Communication
PT. MUTUAGUNG LESTARI[:en]Jakarta, Jan. 19th. Taking place at the Sonokeling Room Manggala Wanabakti Building of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, a socialization to hold a 9th.Indogreen Environment & Forestry Expo 2017 was held by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in cooperation with a company: PT Wahyu Purnomo Citra.

The socialization meeting was attended by the Bureau Head of Society’s Environment & Forestry: Mr.Jati Widjaksono, the President Director of PT Wahyu Purnomo Citra : Mr. Syukur Saka and several guests who were invited representative from regional Forestry Ministry, Regional Government Offices, and private companies.  PT Mutuagung Lestari as one of the invited Companies was present at the socialization.

The Program was opened by Mr. Jati Widjaksono Hadi, and followed by a speech by the Head of Committee which is also the officer of the company that lead the exhibition PT Wahyu Purnomo Citra: Mr. Syukur Saka.

This exposition “IndoGreen Environment & Forestry Expo 2017” is the biggest environmental and forestry exhibition which was held since 2009. The exhibition this year will be held on 13-16 of April at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) and will show the potentials in sectors of national forestry, the management of environment and forestry, utilities and sustainability of the forest, utilities of production forests: wood and non-wood, finished wood products, and forestry equipments, utilities of industrial forest, management of wastes and its technology, food industries, energy, and low emission air conditioning. This exhibition also is socializing the Govt. and Private sectors’ real performance in managing sustainable forest areas, including reclamations in areas which were formerly mined, and utilizations of natural energy.

During the exhibition, Government’s and Private sectors’ environmentally friendly products and services in the forestry sector for the benefit of the society will be shown. Other interesting activities including International Seminar themed “Save the Forest, Safe the World”, Business Gathering and presentations of business opportunities in non-wood forest products and the business world’s role in the sustainability of Indonesian forests.

The socialization of holding exhibition of the 9th Indogreen Environment & Forestry Expo 2017 meeting was ended with question and answer session, from the audience to the Executive Committee.

Marketing Communication
